PhD of Urban Planning & Professional Inspector License Holder !
Covers the Entire Dallas-Forth Worth Metropolitan Area !
TREC License # 23909
PhD of Urban Planning (Texas A&M, `03)
Report in 24Hrs, 9AM or 2PM/Day, 6Days/Week !
Big Discount for Texas Disaster Express Inspection ! ($250/Unit)
MICRO HOME INSPECTION provides Regular, Repair Verification or Warranty Inspections. The pricing may vary based on the feature of each inspection type and the size of the property to be inspected. MICRO HOME INSPECTION is proud of to-the-point services to facilitate always successful Real Estate Transactions.
Inspection Pricing : Advance Payment required for Scheduling
Condominium Inspection
- Size of 500 ~ 1,500 ft² : $350
Residential Inspection Size
- Size 1,000 ~ 1,500 ft² : $350
- Size 1,501 ~ 2,500 ft² : $400
- Size 2,501 ~ 3,000 ft² : $450
- Size 3,001 ~ 3,500 ft² : $500
- Size 3,501 ~ 4,200 ft² : $550
- Size 4,201 ~ 5,000 ft² : $600
- Residential & Crawl Space : + $150
- Residential & Pool/Spa : + $200
- Residential & Termite Inspection : + $200~300 (varies by ft²)
- Trip Charge: +$50 (only when trip time over 1hr from Dallas City Center)
Commercial Inspection
- Small Commercial under 3,000 ft² : $0.30/ft²
(Restaurant, Office, Bank, etc.)
- Small Commercial between 3,000-10,000 ft² : $0.20/ft²
(Small Warehouse, Light Industrial. Class B, Office Building, etc.)
- Large Commercial above 10,000 ft² : $0.15/ft²
(Large Warehouse, Heavy Industrial, Class A, Medical, etc.)
Structural / Electrical / HVAC / Plumbing / Appliances / Optional
4 hr
Price Varies by SizeAfter Home Inspection
1 hr
150 US dollars11 Month Inspection
4 hr
Price Varies by Size