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ICSUD Services to Meet Target Countries' Needs

City & Real Estate

ICSUD has a Proven Track Record of Success-ful Smart Urban Planning and Developments with Global Networks.  Services offered include Research, Feasibility Study, Plan, Development  & Management, of National/Regional & Urban Laud Use, Real Estate, Infrastructure and ICT. We promote Global Development Projects coordinating among Governments, Experts and Investors around the Globe. Our Services are through Technical Assistance, Capacity Building, Consultancy, Urban Researches, Ealuation and Project Managements.


Urban Infrastructure

ICSUD is proud of Serving Customers with Top Quality Services to help solving Urban Issues improving Urban Services and Infrastructure around the Globe. The Top Quality Services include Water/Sewer & Environment, Transportation, Power & Communications,  Wastes Management, Public Safety and etc. We pursue providing World-class Solutions to the Urban Infra Challenges of Today, and the Solutions we create range from Traditional to Cutting-edge ones depending on the Target City's Requirements and Circumstances.


Smart ICT

Our Strength lies in the Width and Depth of our Technical Expertise which enables Us to provide Practical Solutions to the Most Complex Challenges for Clients. We deliver Major ICT Advancements for Governments & Enterprises in the World, helping them to deal with Finance, Growth and Sustainability Challenges using Cutting-edge ICT Technologies to realize Smart and Sustaiable Cities. About ICT, our Services include Smart Urban Services, ICT Devices & Equipments, Digital Contents, ICT Policy, Laws, Regulations and etc. 



Head Office Location


539 W. Commerce St #1381

Dallas, TX 75208


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